Tuesday 22 February 2011

50 spoilers of 2010

50 movies you will already know the ending . Hurray!

Android 3.0 comes with flash... in a few weeks!

Flash Player 10.2, the version of Flash that will be compatible with upcoming Android tablets. The company predicts that over 132 million devices will have the Flash player installed by the end of 2011. Apple must now fight this horde.

Its not an easy one, Android is now selling faster than any other phone os , and with this injection of updates in 3.0  version , it will soon be king.

"Adobe will offer Flash Player 10.2 preinstalled on some tablets and as an OTA download on others within a few weeks of Android 3 (Honeycomb) devices becoming available, the first of which is expected to be the Motorola Xoom," wrote Adobe's Matt Rozen. "We are excited about the progress we’ve made optimizing Flash for tablets, alongside partners including Motorola, and expect our momentum to continue."

Lets hope it works just fine xD
7" iRobot APad iPed Epad Google Android Tablet WIFI Touch Screen

SDK for Kinect , Yes Please

We have all seen the great potential of kinect . Since its launch , code rebels have hacked into the device creating amazing new ways of using the Xbox 360 device .

"Already, researchers, academics and enthusiasts are thinking through what’s next in natural and intuitive technology," Microsoft Blog editor Steve Clayton wrote in a post Tuesday. "The possibilities are endless.  Natural and intuitive technologies such as Kinect can be more than just a great platform for gaming and entertainment.  They open up enormous opportunities across a wide variety of scenarios, including addressing societal issues in areas such as healthcare and education."

The SDK for windows will be available for free in spring. With aprox. 10 million units already sold , who knows how many more will be sold now that probably a new platform will be able to use this device!

Kinect Sensor with Kinect Adventures!

Ipad 2 Will Come right on time

A source close to the production revealed to Reuters that the new version of Ipad is not delayed .

Probably in March 2 Apple will announce the new version , which is expected to be faster , slimmer and have an higher resolution , although recent rumour suggest that the "retina display" will only be available for Ipad in the third version ( since it requires a huge amount of GPU , not yet achievable at efficient production costs )

Apple iPad MB292LL/A Tablet (16GB, Wifi)